
ACG字幕分享 今日: 0|主题: 4368|排名: 2 

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游魂/Tayutama -Kiss on my Deity- 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 hahahei123 2015-8-28 0 / 4655 hahahei123 2015-8-28 13:51
提亚拉之泪/Tears to Tiara 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +100 hahahei123 2015-8-28 1 / 3672 xxxufo 2020-7-22 03:58
滑头鬼之孙/Nurarihyon no Mago 1-2季合集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +10 化为千风 2015-8-28 7 / 6156 forever90112 2024-5-24 00:01
小鸠/Kobato 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 hahahei123 2015-8-28 0 / 3601 hahahei123 2015-8-28 13:12
女神异闻录4/Persona 4 简繁字幕 新人帖 attachment agree VC币 +5 hahahei123 2015-8-28 7 / 6544 nausicaa314 2023-7-16 10:49
织田信奈的野望/Oda Nobuna no Yabou 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +80 化为千风 2015-8-28 1 / 6456 还有谁比我笨 2019-9-25 08:40
海猫鸣泣之时/Umineko no Naku Koro ni 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +200 emailxie 2015-8-28 1 / 4774 sommio 2023-2-20 13:45
寒蝉鸣泣之时/Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 全两季+全ova 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +30 活跃度 +10886 emailxie 2015-8-28 2 / 12951 蓥荥 2022-4-18 00:18
人类衰退之后/Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 字幕 attach_img agree 活跃度 +5 化为千风 2015-8-28 5 / 7775 zyyme 2024-11-6 15:44
白熊咖啡厅/Shirokuma Cafe 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-27 0 / 5795 化为千风 2015-8-27 23:56
惊爆游戏/BTOOOM! 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-27 0 / 6513 化为千风 2015-8-27 23:50
樱花大战/Sakura Wars 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +40 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 0 / 4605 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 23:49
天地无用/Tenchi Muyo 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +40 活跃度 +1800  ...2 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 17 / 13194 zoin0000 2024-2-29 20:19
死神/Bleach 剧场版1-4 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +20 化为千风 2015-8-27 1 / 7954 x82248362 2021-4-4 00:26
圣母在上 玛莉亚的凝望/Maria-sama ga Miteru 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +20 活跃度 +800 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 3 / 5248 misa 2022-11-26 10:00
飞跃巅峰/Top o Nerae! 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +15 活跃度 +1553 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 4 / 9029 750919338 2024-6-3 20:32
奥兹玛/OZMA 繁体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 0 / 2767 FantasyFoam 2015-8-27 23:13
美少女死神 还我H之魂/Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +10 化为千风 2015-8-27 3 / 10047 edf123753 2022-12-27 18:23
[全季度] 龙珠 1-3 季合集/Dragon Ball 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +15 活跃度 +100 化为千风 2015-8-26 1 / 6956 晓_轶 2020-3-9 15:00
[剧场版] 龙珠 神与神/Dragon Ball Z:Battle of Gods 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +2000 化为千风 2015-8-26 0 / 5159 化为千风 2015-8-26 14:10
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