
ACG字幕分享 今日: 1 |主题: 4369|排名: 2 

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[剧场版] 龙珠 神与神/Dragon Ball Z:Battle of Gods 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +2000 化为千风 2015-8-26 0 / 5160 化为千风 2015-8-26 14:10
[剧场版] 游戏王-光之金字塔/Yu-Gi-Oh.Movie.2004. attachment disagree 活跃度 -1 化为千风 2015-8-26 0 / 3909 化为千风 2015-8-26 14:02
[剧场版] 游戏王-超融合!超越时空的牵绊/Yu-Gi-Oh Movie-Bonds Beyond Time 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-26 0 / 4100 化为千风 2015-8-26 13:51
[季度番] 妄想学生会/Seitokai Yakuindomo 第一季OVA合集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-26 0 / 7908 化为千风 2015-8-26 02:18
[全季度] 吊带袜天使/Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +100 化为千风 2015-8-26 3 / 10449 66Chyan 2023-2-15 23:22
[季度番] 贫乏神来了/Binbougami ga! 简繁字幕 attach_img agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +400 化为千风 2015-8-26 2 / 5132 true 2022-7-19 14:37
[全季度] 请认真和我恋爱!/Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-26 1 / 6045 hunyeye2009 2018-8-18 20:21
[全季度] 属性同好会/D-Fragments 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 化为千风 2015-8-26 5 / 10084 wingrises 2024-9-23 07:08
[全季度] 便当/Ben-Tou 简繁体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 化为千风 2015-8-26 2 / 8310 cong506680191 2018-7-9 06:51
[全季度] 幸运星/Lucky☆Star 字幕 新人帖 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +2580 化为千风 2015-8-26 7 / 13574 Tagagi3 2024-3-28 20:34
[全季度] 月刊少女野崎君/Gekkanshojo nozakikun 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 emailxie 2015-8-25 4 / 7797 verdurewind 2024-4-9 14:10
[全季度] Sola 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 emailxie 2015-8-25 3 / 3962 蓥荥 2021-10-14 22:49
[全季度] 人型电脑天使心/Chobits 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 emailxie 2015-8-25 5 / 6805 Tagagi3 2024-1-11 06:34
魔具少女/Maken-Ki ! 全两季 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +10 emailxie 2015-8-25 2 / 8908 R9x2 2016-7-20 01:26
女王之刃/Queen's Blade 全三季+OVA 字幕 agree VC币 +20 活跃度 +101 emailxie 2015-8-25 1 / 11052 恋ヶ崎涙 2017-10-4 23:44
[全季度] 交响情人梦/Nodame Cantabile 字幕合集 attachment agree VC币 +20 FantasyFoam 2015-8-25 3 / 9804 hbhslsr 2018-10-29 06:47
[全季度] 光明之心~幸福的面包~/Shining Hearts Shiawase no Pan 字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 emailxie 2015-8-25 1 / 4447 kaiju2 2017-1-30 13:26
[季度番] 玲音/Serial Experiments Lain 简体字幕 agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +633 FantasyFoam 2015-8-25 8 / 7933 sommio 2023-9-10 15:57
[全季度] 壳中少女/Mardock Scramble 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-25 5 / 8102 莉莉学姊 2022-7-25 10:59
[全季度] 少女革命/Shoujo Kakumei Utena 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-25 6 / 9057 ludens11990 2024-12-21 03:51
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