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本帖最后由 EdveR 于 2018-12-5 17:54 编辑
sub-add "<file>" [<flags> [<title> [<lang>]]]
Load the given subtitle file. It is selected as current subtitle after loading.
The flags args is one of the following values:
Select the subtitle immediately.
Don't select the subtitle. (Or in some special situations, let the default stream selection mechanism decide.)
Select the subtitle. If a subtitle with the same filename was already added, that one is selected, instead of loading a duplicate entry. (In this case, title/language are ignored, and if the was changed since it was loaded, these changes won't be reflected.)
The title argument sets the track title in the UI.
The lang argument sets the track language, and can also influence stream selection with flags set to auto. - utils = require 'mp.utils'
- function open_sub_dialog()
- local was_ontop = mp.get_property_native("ontop")
- if was_ontop then mp.set_property_native("ontop", false) end
- local res = utils.subprocess({
- args = {'powershell', '-NoProfile', '-Command', [[& {
- Trap {
- Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
- Exit 1
- }
- Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
- $u8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
- $out = [Console]::OpenStandardOutput()
- $ofd = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog
- $ofd.Multiselect = $true
- If ($ofd.ShowDialog() -eq $true) {
- ForEach ($filename in $ofd.FileNames) {
- $u8filename = $u8.GetBytes("$filename`n")
- $out.Write($u8filename, 0, $u8filename.Length)
- }
- }
- }]]},
- cancellable = false,
- })
- if was_ontop then mp.set_property_native("ontop", true) end
- if (res.status ~= 0) then return end
- local first_file = true
- for filename in string.gmatch(res.stdout, '[^\n]+') do
- mp.commandv('sub-add', filename, first_file and 'select')
- first_file = false
- end
- end
- mp.add_key_binding('ctrl+l', 'open-sub-dialog', open_sub_dialog)
复制代码 还有两个问题:
2、播放4K HDR 60fps时卡顿掉帧,4K HDR 24fps时流畅不掉帧,CPU占用不超过60%。之前用MPC-BE+madVR播放60fps也不掉帧,mpv默认设置。