
ACG字幕分享 今日: 3 |主题: 4357|排名: 2 

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[全季度] 命运石之门/Steins;Gate 全集字幕 attachment heatlevel agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +150  ...2345 zx353 2015-8-23 42 / 84041 Infrared 2024-8-31 22:14
[剧场版] 天降之物 剧场版 时计じかけの哀女神/Sora no Otoshimono Tokei Jikake no Angeloi... attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +20 steveblaster 2015-8-23 1 / 9055 奋斗者 2015-9-3 08:43
[季度番] 完全不知道老公在说什么/danna 字幕 新人帖 attachment agree VC币 +5 fivesky 2015-8-23 1 / 3937 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 14:58
[季度番] 轻音少女 第二季 / K-ON!! attachment agree VC币 +8 活跃度 +100 平泽唯 2015-8-23 9 / 13625 supershuai 2024-6-6 09:01
[剧场版] Detective Conan The Movie 名侦探柯南剧场版 [1-20] attach_img agree VC币 +100 活跃度 +200 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 9 / 14941 注册者资格 2019-8-1 17:28
[季度番] 轻音少女 / K-ON! attachment agree VC币 +8 活跃度 +400 平泽唯 2015-8-23 5 / 9566 okarin 2024-5-29 14:42
[剧场版] 轻音少女剧场版 / K-ON!! the Movie 新人帖 attachment agree VC币 +15 活跃度 +500 平泽唯 2015-8-23 3 / 14650 Gallifrey0910 2017-8-14 15:38
[季度番] 库拉乌-幻之记忆/Kurau_Phantom_Memory 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 3 / 3525 tasty0tomato 2021-9-16 14:27
[季度番] 美鸟日记/Midori Days 简繁字幕 attach_img agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +1000 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 1 / 4860 好运升 2021-1-30 14:37
[季度番] 混沌武士/Samura Champloo 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 0 / 5311 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 10:11
[剧场版] 魔法禁书目录剧场版 恩底弥翁的奇迹/Toaru Majutsu no Index The Movie attachment agree VC币 +8 Inori 2015-8-23 2 / 9619 tonyhsie 2018-10-31 05:43
[季度番] 妄想代理人/Paranoia Agent 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +3666 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 1 / 7601 洛水以北 2021-1-3 15:21
[季度番] 杀戮都市/Gantz 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +800 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 3 / 5272 天空微羽 2018-12-25 10:04
[剧场版] 命运石之门剧场版 负荷领域的既视感/STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ attachment agree VC币 +5 Inori 2015-8-23 5 / 12078 charlieego 2023-4-28 15:21
[季度番] 奇幻儿童/Fantastic Children 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 0 / 3606 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 10:01
[季度番] 超时空要塞系列合集/Macross 简繁字幕 attachment agree VC币 +40 活跃度 +9866 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 3 / 11712 a419416951 2021-10-28 01:09
[季度番] 我的妹妹哪有这么可爱 S2/Ore No Imoto S2/俺妹S2 第二季全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 zx353 2015-8-23 8 / 20231 蓥荥 2021-8-21 06:00
[季度番] 我的妹妹哪有这么可爱/Ore No Imoto/俺妹 第一季全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5  ...2 zx353 2015-8-23 10 / 16457 AnoHana1949 2024-4-11 17:18
[剧场版] 偶像大师剧场版 迈向闪耀的彼端!/THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ! attach_img agree VC币 +8 活跃度 +1800 Inori 2015-8-23 1 / 8501 tonyhsie 2016-12-17 22:11
[季度番] 萌萌侵略者/Outbreak Company 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 0 / 6192 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 09:47
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