
ACG字幕分享 今日: 1 |主题: 4351|排名: 2 

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[季度番] 电波女与青春男/Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 mlive 2015-8-23 5 / 11992 未来加速器 2023-8-6 16:18
[季度番] 狼与香辛料 第二季/Spice and Wolf 2nd Season attachment agree VC币 +5 活跃度 +300 mlive 2015-8-23 6 / 16540 月夜残星 2024-3-1 21:19
[季度番] 侦探歌剧 少女福尔摩斯 第二幕/Tantei Opera Milky Holmes dai 2 mak... attach_img agree VC币 +5 steveblaster 2015-8-23 1 / 5214 橙兜酱 2022-1-2 11:32
[季度番] 侦探歌剧 少女福尔摩斯/Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 合集字幕(含SS) attach_img agree VC币 +5 steveblaster 2015-8-23 0 / 5713 steveblaster 2015-8-23 02:34
[季度番] 极黑的布伦希尔德 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 mlive 2015-8-23 6 / 14418 sommio 2023-5-31 19:12
[季度番] 京骚戏画/Kyousougiga 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +10 活跃度 +100  ...2 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 12 / 7702 chaos32767 2023-5-20 21:02
[季度番] 勇者犬物语/Dog Days 2 合集字幕 attach_img agree VC币 +5 steveblaster 2015-8-23 0 / 4895 steveblaster 2015-8-23 02:30
[季度番] 我们没有翅膀 / Oretsuba全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 mlive 2015-8-23 2 / 5934 sommio 2023-8-21 09:20
[季度番] 超次元游戏 海王星/ Choujigen Game Neptune 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5  ...2 mlive 2015-8-23 11 / 12584 sommio 2023-2-25 22:42
[季度番] 勇者犬物语/Dog Days 合集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 steveblaster 2015-8-23 1 / 7657 少艾 2020-2-13 16:42
[季度番] 灰色的果实/Grisaia no Kajitsu 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5  ...2 mlive 2015-8-23 10 / 27594 喃千秋 2018-12-15 13:32
[季度番] 罗马浴场/Thermae Romae 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 0 / 3393 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 02:17
[季度番] 我要成为双马尾 / Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 mlive 2015-8-23 4 / 10899 xiachengxi123 2017-8-21 08:40
[季度番] 樱花庄的宠物女孩/ Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8  ...23 mlive 2015-8-23 30 / 47770 misa 2022-11-7 20:34
[季度番] 荒川爆笑团S1+S2/Arakawa Under the Bridge 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +80 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 3 / 7281 okmijnuhb2C1 2024-1-24 18:01
[全季度] FATE/ZERO 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +8 活跃度 +200  ...23 mlive 2015-8-23 20 / 44336 natsuko 2023-11-28 18:30
[季度番] 空中秋千/Kuuchuu Buranko 简体字幕 attachment agree VC币 +10 活跃度 +233 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 0 / 3348 FantasyFoam 2015-8-23 02:04
[季度番] 记忆女神的女儿们 / 記憶女神的女兒們 / ムネモシュネの娘たち / Mnemosyne attachment agree VC币 +5 mlive 2015-8-23 2 / 8613 tiankev 2022-8-28 09:32
[季度番] AIR 全集字幕 attach_img agree VC币 +5  ...2 mlive 2015-8-23 11 / 12386 那只猫 2020-12-26 15:25
[季度番] 真月谭月姬 全集字幕 attachment agree VC币 +5 mlive 2015-8-23 2 / 4974 Kelcoin 2022-11-19 21:45
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