TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 昨天 06:49 |
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本帖最后由 sommio 于 2023-3-9 09:28 编辑
翻了下标准的看到了 Appendix 1
The EOTF specified in Annex 1 is considered to be a satisfactory, but not exact, match to the characteristic of an actual CRT. When it is desired to match a CRT, the Lw and LB parameters of the EOTF can be set to the corresponding values of the CRT that are being matched. For moderate black level settings, e.g. 0.1 cd/m2 , setting the LB of the EOTF to 0.1 will give a satisfactory match to the CRT.
LW: Screen luminance for white, reference setting is LW = 100 cd/m2
vo_gpu_next 的默认值应该也是 Annex 1 描述的不完全匹配但 satisfactory match 的参考 LW/LB
但就算 LB 低至 0.01 结果应该也会导致暗部比 gamma2.2 更亮
仔细想了下,我根本不了解 CRT 特性,还是不要妄论 bt.1886 了