TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 15 小时前 |
签到天数: 1980 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
- 积分
- 575548

以诸神字幕组BDRip 1-12為基礎
- [00:00.00]Even…if
- [00:03.00]作詞:山田タマル
- [00:06.00]作曲:山田タマル
- [00:09.00]編曲:山下洋介
- [00:12.00]歌:山田タマル
- [00:15.00]
- [00:16.59]僕らなんのために生まれてきたのだろう
- [00:29.13]愛はいつもそばに あるのにずっと
- [00:36.53]目を背けて 迷っていたんだ
- [00:40.39]
- [00:40.87]どんな強い鉄の鎧で 君を守ろうとしても
- [00:50.79]その心まで 僕は守れているのだろうか
- [00:57.15]
- [00:57.45]もしも夢が夢のまま
- [01:00.07]even if game's over 諦めないよ
- [01:03.77]いつも君が君のまま いられるように
- [01:08.11]手を伸ばせば
- [01:09.87]ここにある 今 過去もすべて 輝き出して
- [01:16.15]君の笑顔 that's my dream 暗闇の世界でも
- [01:22.43]
- [01:38.11]何がしあわせなのか 誰に分かるのだろう
- [01:50.61]君が目覚めるとき
- [01:56.35]つかの間だって
- [01:58.05]綺麗な朝を見せたいだけだ
- [02:01.89]
- [02:02.41]何度深いかなしみを越えて
- [02:08.67]強くあろうとするほど
- [02:12.37]心の奥で 君を確かめてる I know that's why
- [02:18.71]
- [02:19.05]君がいない世界なら
- [02:21.65]even if it's over 果てさえないよ
- [02:25.33]いつか僕ら辿り着くはじまりの景色
- [02:29.71]思い出せば 生きていく意味も理由も
- [02:35.13]すでにここにあって
- [02:37.75]例え 愛が like a dream
- [02:40.89]幻と呼ばれても
- [02:44.05]
- [03:11.31]最後に 祈りが 届くのなら
- [03:17.75]終わりゆく瞬間も
- [03:21.39]その心まで 僕は 守れているのだろうか
- [03:28.35]
- [03:29.67]もしも夢が夢のまま
- [03:32.23]even if game's over 諦めないよ
- [03:35.95]いつも君が君のまま いられるように
- [03:40.27]手を伸ばせば
- [03:42.09]ここにある今 過去もすべて 輝き出して
- [03:48.33]君の笑顔 that's my dream
- [03:51.47]暗闇の世界でも
- [03:54.61]
- [03:57.75]暗闇の世界でも
- [04:00.89]
- [04:09.00]
- [04:17.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]Even…if (English Ver.)
- [00:00.00]作詞:山田タマル
- [00:00.00]作曲:山田タマル
- [00:00.00]編曲:山下洋介
- [00:00.00]歌:山田タマル
- [00:00.00]
- [00:01.19]Ah uh wah ah
- [00:14.79]
- [00:16.55]I didn't know why we'd received our lives
- [00:22.81]why we all had come into this world
- [00:29.13]I didn't know how to face the one beside
- [00:34.79]only I looked away and wandered where to love
- [00:38.09]though it was always by my side
- [00:40.35]
- [00:40.85]If I have a tough, iron armor protecting the world
- [00:46.95]I wonder if I can see you, and beyond
- [00:50.87]I just want to be stronger than anything
- [00:53.41]to hold you, all of, oh even the heart
- [00:57.19]
- [00:57.51]All the dreams end up as mere dreams, even if game's over,
- [01:01.83]I won't give up my hope
- [01:03.81]Even a hope may be said 'Just that's a thought'
- [01:06.23]so I still want to reach for you hoping you live your soul
- [01:09.87]Only there's a truth
- [01:12.43]Living for making all the moments shine with proving all times
- [01:16.15]Just seeing your smiles, that's my dream
- [01:19.33]Even if we're all even in the dark
- [01:22.41]
- [01:22.77]Ah uh wah ah
- [01:35.85]
- [01:38.11]Who knows what is luck or happiness,
- [01:44.43]what will bring you implicit certain world
- [01:50.67]I don't know what to do for you is right
- [01:56.37]Only I can show you around,
- [01:58.67]the pretty rise of a day when you open your eyes
- [02:02.13]
- [02:02.45]If I have come over and over deeply the sorrows
- [02:08.43]I wonder if I can't feel you anymore
- [02:12.41]I just want to be with you anytime,
- [02:14.79]deeper in my heart
- [02:16.37]I know that's why
- [02:18.75]
- [02:19.05]If the world turning where is without you, even if it's over,
- [02:23.41]Even, it's not the close
- [02:25.33]Even a close may be on the way to start
- [02:27.85]so that we may recall views calling inside our souls
- [02:31.41]Only here's the truth
- [02:33.97]we don't need seeking any meanings or reasons for keeping it
- [02:37.69]Just seeing of love, like a dream
- [02:40.89]Even if they say 'All's illusion world'
- [02:44.25]
- [02:48.00]Even…if (English Ver.)
- [02:52.00]作詞:山田タマル
- [02:56.00]作曲:山田タマル
- [03:00.00]編曲:山下洋介
- [03:04.00]歌:山田タマル
- [03:08.00]
- [03:11.41]If I could make a hope come true in this lonely world
- [03:17.51]I wonder if I can see you, and beyond
- [03:21.41]I just want to be stronger than anything
- [03:23.97]to hold you, all of, oh even the heart
- [03:28.61]
- [03:29.67]All the dreams end up as mere dreams, even if game's over,
- [03:33.99]I won't give up my hope
- [03:35.97]Even a hope may be said 'Just that's a thought'
- [03:38.39]so I still want to reach for you hoping you live your soul
- [03:42.05]Only there's a truth
- [03:44.59]Living for making all the moments shine with proving all lives
- [03:48.31]Just seeing your smiles, that's my dream
- [03:51.47]even if we're all even in the dark
- [03:54.59]
- [03:57.71]even if we're all even in the dark
- [04:00.89]
- [04:01.21]Ah uh wah ah
- [04:13.53]
- [04:16.00]
- [04:18.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]yes
- [00:02.00]作詞:山田タマル
- [00:04.00]作曲:山田タマル
- [00:06.00]編曲:山本陽介
- [00:08.00]歌:山田タマル
- [00:10.00]
- [00:13.31]どうすれば届くのだろう 強い風に声も途切れ
- [00:25.97]なんのために戦うの
- [00:32.05]傷だらけの愛 死んでるみたいに生きている
- [00:38.03]世界よ
- [00:39.21]あなたを殺したのは誰
- [00:44.39]
- [00:46.85]Can I see you?
- [00:49.81]この生命(いのち)の最期に 綺麗な朝陽を見ていたい
- [00:56.73]あなたに抱かれて
- [00:59.51]Can I be true?
- [01:02.47]どの道を選んでみても
- [01:05.61]あなたの面影探してしまう いつだって
- [01:11.75]Uh せめて 届いて 私のyes
- [01:21.85]
- [01:29.07]交差する手と手つながる
- [01:35.37]その瞬間をずっと夢に見てた
- [01:41.73]かなしみさえ尽き果てて
- [01:47.85]何も聞こえない 何も感じないと泣いてる
- [01:53.73]世界の光を隠したのは 誰
- [01:59.05]
- [01:59.49]Can I feel you?
- [02:02.45]この祈りが最後に 小さな望みをあなたの胸に灯すように
- [02:12.11]Can it be true?
- [02:15.11]どの明日を描いてみても
- [02:18.21]あなたに笑って生きていてほしい それだけで
- [02:24.35]Uh ずっと送るよ 真実(ほんとう)のyes
- [02:34.81]
- [02:53.19]Can I see you?
- [02:56.13]この生命(いのち)の最期に 綺麗な朝陽を見ていたい
- [03:03.05]あなたに抱かれて
- [03:05.81]Can I be true?
- [03:08.79]どの道を選んでみても
- [03:11.89]あなたの面影探してしまう いつだって
- [03:19.19]
- [03:21.63]Can I feel you?
- [03:24.55]この祈りが最後に 小さな望みをあなたの胸に灯すように
- [03:34.25]Can it be true?
- [03:37.19]どの明日を描いてみても
- [03:40.35]あなたに笑って生きていてほしい それだけで
- [03:46.49]Uh ずっと送るよ 私のyes
- [03:55.35]私のyes
- [04:01.69]私のyes
- [04:08.87]
- [04:14.00]
- [04:19.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]yes (English Ver.)
- [00:02.00]作詞:山田タマル
- [00:04.00]作曲:山田タマル
- [00:06.00]編曲:山本陽介
- [00:08.00]歌:山田タマル
- [00:10.00]
- [00:13.31]What should I do have it reach to you?
- [00:16.11]'No more' -furious, stiff winds have made my voice stopped
- [00:25.93]Why should we do fight and what we're ahead for?
- [00:32.03]You live as if you're dead all
- [00:34.83]and even love is hurt and broken altogether
- [00:38.03]Who in the world has done away with you into the end of world?
- [00:41.97]yeah
- [00:44.53]
- [00:46.85]Can I see you?
- [00:49.83]The only thing I see is that I want to
- [00:52.95]hold a shining rise-held in your arms
- [00:56.13]and feel all to the last breath of my life
- [00:59.51]Can I be true?
- [01:02.47]No matter what I take, it's true that I'm sure to
- [01:05.63]miss dear face, your lasting trace
- [01:08.77]Though I have nothing sure for you
- [01:11.75]Uh
- [01:12.15]There's a hope will reach to you -at least- 'yes'
- [01:21.95]
- [01:29.09]What could I do have them keep as they're,
- [01:32.47]Though two destined to cross,
- [01:36.79]I just dreamed that they'll be the one
- [01:41.75]Even sorrows have been exhausted all
- [01:47.81]You're calling 'cause you cannot hear
- [01:50.61]You're crying 'cause you cannot feel anything more
- [01:53.71]What in the world had made you covered, hidden all lights of you?
- [01:57.71]yeah
- [01:58.97]
- [01:59.49]Can I feel you?
- [02:02.47]The only way I swear is that I go to
- [02:05.61]find every cry locked in your mind
- [02:08.81]and light it up even a tiny light
- [02:12.13]Can it be true?
- [02:15.09]No longer dreamer, I'm just anyone that wish
- [02:18.25]you're always in smile as it is
- [02:21.35]Still, I really dream of life with you
- [02:24.43]Uh
- [02:24.77]That is all-it couldn't be lie- eternal 'yes'
- [02:35.13]
- [02:53.19]Can I feel you?
- [02:56.15]The only way I swear is that I go to
- [02:59.31]find every cry locked in your mind
- [03:02.45]and light it up even a tiny light
- [03:05.81]Can it be true?
- [03:08.81]No longer dreamer, I'm just anyone that wish
- [03:11.97]you're always in smile as it is
- [03:15.07]Still I really desire more for you
- [03:19.17]
- [03:21.63]Can I see you?
- [03:24.55]The only thing I see is that I want to
- [03:27.69]hold a shining rise-held in your arms
- [03:30.91]and feel all to the last breath of my life
- [03:34.25]Can I be true?
- [03:37.21]No matter what I take, it's true that I'm sure to
- [03:40.37]miss dear face, your lasting trace
- [03:43.49]Though I have nothing sure for you
- [03:46.51]Uh
- [03:46.89]There's a hope will reach to you -at least- 'yes'
- [03:55.35]eternal 'yes' at least...
- [04:03.31]'yes'
- [04:09.01]
- [04:15.00]
- [04:20.00]
复制代码 |