TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 昨天 05:36 |
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思源字體衍生字體Sarasa Gothic/更紗黑體/更紗ゴシック可免費下載https://github.com/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic/releases
dance in the dark在女神卡卡的歌曲意思是。。。
- [00:00.00]gravityWall
- [00:03.00]作詞:澤野弘之/Tielle
- [00:06.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:09.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:12.00]歌:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Gemie
- [00:15.00]
- [00:16.67]交わる時間上にない涙腺曲がる快楽
- [00:20.71]吐き捨てる哀・怒を手に妬みとつないでる
- [00:24.89]映り気にしてる程見えない相違
- [00:29.03]価値観の連鎖を止めるフリー気取りの×
- [00:32.75]
- [00:33.39]gravity-wall 口づけを
- [00:38.57]
- [00:40.27]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [00:44.39]ズレた答えをどけた先だけが
- [00:48.51]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [00:52.85]絡まってる裸足でも賭ける
- [00:56.65]
- [00:56.95]Now I don't know what I really want
- [01:00.29]I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap
- [01:05.69]Don't know what I really want
- [01:08.49]I still don't know how to escape from this dangerous trap
- [01:13.89]
- [01:16.21]無駄な理想像描き反響探し解読
- [01:20.17]取って付ける成功法に飾る未来が倒れる
- [01:24.39]日に当たらせるほど焦げた正義
- [01:28.51]キリない損得外せば手に取れた声
- [01:32.43]
- [01:32.85]I know you're craving for my blood
- [01:37.93]
- [01:39.77]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [01:43.89]But everybody can't hear. Pay attention to me!
- [01:47.97]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [01:52.33]Everybody can't hear. Pay attention to me!
- [01:56.09]
- [01:56.47]Now I don't know what I really want
- [01:59.79]I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap
- [02:05.21]Don't know what I really want
- [02:08.01]I still don't know how to escape from this dangerous trap
- [02:13.43]
- [02:29.01]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [02:33.09]ズレた答えをどけた先だけが
- [02:37.23]I'm screaming something to you. Whatever, something to me
- [02:41.55]絡まってる裸足でも賭ける
- [02:45.27]
- [02:45.69]Now I don't know what I really want
- [02:48.99]I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap
- [02:54.41]Don't know what I really want
- [02:57.21]I still don't know how to escape from this dangerous trap
- [03:02.67]
- [03:04.69]Break your stereo days
- [03:07.49]空ほどいた太陽と羽の白が
- [03:12.93]Brave invisible world
- [03:15.71]無くした色たちを照らす
- [03:19.45]
- [03:21.13]Break your stereo days
- [03:23.91]Whatever they say, you'll never stop to believe in yourself
- [03:29.33]Brave invisible world
- [03:32.13]You know that it's true. You can find the new way
- [03:36.81]
- [03:42.00]
- [03:46.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]shØut
- [00:00.00]作詞:澤野弘之/Tielle
- [00:00.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:00.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:00.00]歌:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Gemie
- [00:00.00]
- [00:04.61]Time has come to listen to the crying of their puppet souls
- [00:08.93]
- [00:09.23]君がそんなにもっと楽をして
- [00:11.47]行き詰まった未来と合図
- [00:13.63]Words are strong, heart is dropped, scatter around and falls
- [00:17.91]
- [00:18.29]偽りのcontact-everything
- [00:20.59]誘い込んだ傷が混ざる
- [00:22.69]誰も忘れた悲しみが fall out
- [00:26.97]
- [00:27.49]偽名はただ凍る 希望のジレンマ
- [00:32.01]息削ぎ落とす行動も抑える
- [00:36.25]そう解っている答えなど捨ててしまえ
- [00:44.41]
- [00:45.35]Yeah get started breaking the row
- [00:49.01]See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization
- [00:54.43]Yeah get started re-creating the world
- [00:58.07]Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion
- [01:03.27]
- [01:03.73]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [01:05.99]shake it up up tap top top
- [01:08.25]cuz I know how to shout out my soul
- [01:12.77]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [01:15.01]shake it up up tap top top
- [01:17.29]cuz you know how to shout out your soul
- [01:21.21]
- [01:23.97]I've got a feeling. You must let me go
- [01:26.27]I wanna keep my faith forever
- [01:28.39]Words are alive, supporting us, connecting with the souls
- [01:32.63]
- [01:33.03]I'm gonna fight them all to let you go
- [01:35.29]I wanna seek my way to answer
- [01:37.39]Words are alive, supporting us, connecting with the souls
- [01:41.67]
- [01:42.23]You know what? We look up to the sky, count on it.
- [01:46.75]And halos in the clouds light me up. Then I awake
- [01:52.17]In the heat, get fired up. You'll call my name
- [01:58.89]
- [02:00.09]Yeah get started breaking the row
- [02:03.71]See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization
- [02:09.15]Yeah get started re-creating the world
- [02:12.75]Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion
- [02:17.93]
- [02:18.45]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [02:20.65]shake it up up tap top top
- [02:22.93]cuz I know how to shout out my soul
- [02:27.51]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [02:29.71]shake it up up tap top top
- [02:32.01]cuz you know how to shout out your soul
- [02:35.97]
- [02:41.00]shØut
- [02:44.00]作詞:澤野弘之/Tielle
- [02:47.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [02:50.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [02:53.00]歌:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Gemie
- [02:56.00]
- [02:56.91]偽名はただ凍る 希望のジレンマ
- [03:01.43]息削ぎ落とす行動も抑える
- [03:05.69]そう解っている答えなど捨ててしまえ
- [03:13.69]
- [03:14.17]Yeah get started breaking the row
- [03:18.45]See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization
- [03:23.83]Yeah get started re-creating the world
- [03:27.53]Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion
- [03:32.71]
- [03:33.15]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [03:35.39]shake it up up tap top top
- [03:37.69]cuz I know how to shout out my soul
- [03:42.23]bring it on down rock rock rock
- [03:44.45]shake it up up tap top top
- [03:46.73]cuz you know how to shout out your soul
- [03:50.61]
- [03:51.01]Time has come to listen to the crying of their puppet souls
- [03:55.45]
- [04:01.00]
- [04:06.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]NEWLOOK
- [00:05.00]作詞:中野領太
- [00:10.00]作曲:中野領太
- [00:15.00]編曲:KOUTAPAI
- [00:20.00]歌:綾野ましろ
- [00:25.00]
- [00:26.95]走り出して急上昇 夢の中へ今日もride on
- [00:31.77]ズレてゆく想い 冷めてくスマイル
- [00:34.57]蹴り飛ばして go way
- [00:36.89]
- [00:37.29]秘密じゃない 甘いロンリー 気づいてたみたい そうstand up
- [00:42.15]我がままに so fly ダメージキメたい
- [00:44.89]視線集めて posing
- [00:47.07]
- [00:47.37]絡みつくブルーな感情も さらけだして もっと feeling
- [00:52.55]手繰り寄せたwave 駆け乗って 自分しか見れないストーリー
- [00:58.33]つま先伸ばし catch my soul 間違い探し 恋に妄想
- [01:03.53]マワル世界 そのまま落ちてく
- [01:07.01]
- [01:07.31]遠ざかる心に彷徨う 迷いは捨てて
- [01:13.31]もっと遠くまで行けるから far away
- [01:17.71]
- [01:18.19]なにも怖がらないで 今すぐ 夢の彼方へ
- [01:23.69]はじけ飛んだ その扉の向こうへ
- [01:27.59]羽広げて going road
- [01:38.31]
- [01:42.15]常識外した存在感 ひとり占めしたいのattention
- [01:47.05]空気は読まない 自分だけのlife
- [01:49.75]作り上げて wake up
- [01:52.11]
- [01:52.57]答えのない 未来オンリー 押し寄せる矛盾もset up
- [01:57.41]いつでもブレない 笑顔に期待
- [02:00.17]鼓動響かせ good luck
- [02:02.31]
- [02:02.61]足元見えない道だって 踏み出してよ もっと trust me
- [02:07.71]縛られてるchain 断ち切って 感じたまま いっそ fly high
- [02:13.61]殻脱ぎ捨てて touch my soul 時計じかけの 愛は暴走
- [02:18.77]揺れる希望 胸に抱きしめて
- [02:23.17]carry on
- [02:28.21]
- [02:39.43]剥き出しの心に 隠せない 意思 焚きつけて
- [02:45.43]ハイになるまで生きてくの far away
- [02:50.31]突き刺さる 記憶を集めて 積み重ねたら
- [02:55.81]誰も真似できない ひとつだけのstyle 見つかるから
- [03:03.87]
- [03:21.53]誤魔化しはやめて 本音にいつも 触れていたかったんだ
- [03:26.73]まっすぐに 君の ぜんぶ 曇りのない瞳で 見つめた
- [03:36.83]
- [03:37.79]暗闇の中耳すまして 探した声は いつかの痛みを溶かしてゆく
- [03:48.69]溢れ出す涙が導く 果てしない空へ 歓びも悲しみも連れていって
- [03:58.13]
- [03:58.57]遠ざかる心に彷徨う 迷いは捨てて
- [04:04.57]もっと 遠くまで行けるからfar away
- [04:08.97]
- [04:09.45]なにも怖がらないで 今すぐ 夢の彼方へ
- [04:14.95]はじけ飛んだ その扉の向こうへ
- [04:18.81]羽広げて going road
- [04:28.43]
- [04:28.73]NEWLOOK 自分を超えて
- [04:32.25]
- [04:36.00]
- [04:40.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]world Étude フルサイズver.
- [00:02.00]作詞:柊ユウスケ
- [00:04.00]作曲:柊ユウスケ
- [00:06.00]編曲:柊ユウスケ
- [00:08.00]歌:アルタイル(豊崎愛生)
- [00:10.00]
- [00:10.89]月明かりが 世界を照らして
- [00:16.59]耳鳴りは 鳴り止まないまま
- [00:21.55]生まれ落ちた 言葉も知らずに
- [00:26.89]溢れ出した 音を奏でるだけで
- [00:33.43]
- [00:33.91]いっそ 消してしまっていいと思えたの?
- [00:37.79]
- [00:40.25]堕ちる理想郷(エデン) 夢見たものは空想で
- [00:46.61]紡いだ音も脆く崩れ去った
- [00:50.91]枯れた声で叫んでみても応えない
- [00:57.27]暮れる世界に 誰かの面影を探しているの
- [01:09.75]
- [01:17.67]塗り潰した 偽りの街で
- [01:23.21]逆さまの星を 見下ろした
- [01:28.27]交わらない 紅く続く路
- [01:33.63]奪われゆく音に 耳を澄まして
- [01:41.89]
- [01:49.67]狂れる理念(イデア) 抱いたものは形骸で
- [01:56.01]約束の鐘虚しく響いた
- [02:00.33]歪む夜空 翳した手を通り抜ける
- [02:06.69]青い光に あの日の思い出を追いかけてたの
- [02:18.93]
- [02:27.03]ひび割れた赤い月
- [02:31.97]罪を忘れた人の笑い声が
- [02:40.31]失ってしまったあの日々も
- [02:44.73]いっそ消してしまっていいと思えたの
- [02:48.57]
- [02:51.09]堕ちる熾天使(セラフ) 黒い静寂(しじま)の向こう側
- [02:57.37]終わりゆくもの 一人眺めてた
- [03:03.19]
- [03:04.39]堕ちる理想郷(エデン) 夢見たものは空想で
- [03:10.69]紡いだ音も脆く崩れ去った
- [03:15.09]枯れた声で叫んでみても応えない
- [03:21.43]暮れる世界に 最後の練習曲(エチュード)を歌っているの
- [03:31.07]
- [03:31.37]here with my damaged ideals and never turn around
- [03:37.71]the sky begins to fall apart into fragments
- [03:43.07]as I close my eyes and try to find
- [03:47.09]the place in my dreams
- [03:52.93]
- [03:55.00]
- [03:57.00]
- [00:00.00]ルビコン
- [00:00.00]作詞:aokado
- [00:00.00]作曲:aokado
- [00:00.00]編曲:aokado/ゆうゆ
- [00:00.00]歌:三月のパンタシア
- [00:00.00]
- [00:01.19]茜の空に君を呼んだ…
- [00:10.85]
- [00:12.00]ルビコン
- [00:14.00]作詞:aokado
- [00:16.00]作曲:aokado
- [00:18.00]編曲:aokado/ゆうゆ
- [00:20.00]歌:三月のパンタシア
- [00:22.00]
- [00:23.19]一番最初に誰が
- [00:26.11]ゴールへ辿り着けるか?
- [00:29.03]はしゃいで競い合った夏の日
- [00:34.13]
- [00:34.85]僕らが目指した場所は
- [00:37.75]いつしか違う明日で
- [00:40.57]寂しさ 胸の奥に隠して
- [00:45.85]
- [00:46.43]一人で歩く帰り道
- [00:52.25]涙をこらえた
- [00:56.07]
- [00:57.01]「大丈夫だよ」
- [00:58.99]あの日の君の声が
- [01:02.97]今も変わらず 響いてる
- [01:06.23]そしてやっと気づいたんだ
- [01:09.15]「一人じゃないんだ」
- [01:12.07]遠く離れても
- [01:14.99]手を伸ばせば どんな時もほら
- [01:20.03]そこにいる ここにいる
- [01:26.85]
- [01:32.99]何度も季節は巡り
- [01:35.91]僕らは大人になって
- [01:38.77]いつしか薄れてゆくあの夏
- [01:43.95]
- [01:44.57]震える小さな背中
- [01:47.53]どこかで君が泣いてる
- [01:50.43]なぜだろう?急にそんな気がした
- [01:55.69]
- [01:56.25]見上げれば 茜の空が
- [02:02.01]静かに滲んだ
- [02:05.83]
- [02:06.83]「大丈夫だよ」
- [02:08.81]今度は僕が言うよ
- [02:12.81]例えば君がくじけそうで
- [02:16.07]立ち止まってしまっても
- [02:18.97]「一人じゃないんだ」
- [02:21.87]時が流れても
- [02:24.77]忘れないで いつだって僕らは
- [02:29.89]そばにいる
- [02:32.97]
- [02:36.67]いつの日も 色褪せないで
- [02:42.25]心の奥 描いた
- [02:47.89]かけがえのない僕らの明日
- [02:53.73]茜の空が照らした
- [02:59.49]
- [03:07.91]駆け抜けて行こう
- [03:09.87]未来の向こう側へ
- [03:13.85]どんな季節もこの胸に
- [03:17.17]輝いてる
- [03:19.17]
- [03:19.55]『大丈夫だよ』
- [03:21.53]あの日の僕らの声は
- [03:25.51]ずっと変わらず 響き合って
- [03:28.79]それぞれの明日へと
- [03:31.71]『一人じゃないんだ』
- [03:34.61]遠く離れても
- [03:37.51]手を伸ばせば どんな時もほら
- [03:42.59]そこにいる ここにいる
- [03:49.45]
- [03:54.00]
- [03:58.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]Layers
- [00:03.00]作詞:Benjamin Anderson/mpi
- [00:06.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:09.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:12.00]歌:Aimee Blackschleger
- [00:15.00]
- [00:16.33]I will lay down my sword
- [00:20.17]My rebellion is yours
- [00:23.43]
- [00:33.75]And I know I'm not the first to have come here
- [00:41.49]Someone told me you can help me with so many layers
- [00:48.77]
- [00:49.25]I'm a danger
- [00:51.21]I'm a stranger
- [00:53.07]Full of anger But I need to know
- [00:56.93]To be with him To be happy Oh creator
- [01:02.47]
- [01:04.49]Want to find a reason why we have to cry
- [01:07.65]The buildings falling down and no one's there to save us
- [01:12.25]Gonna find the answer, How to clear this up
- [01:15.37]You made these crazy worlds
- [01:17.29]I'm stuck between the two
- [01:19.33]
- [01:19.95]Want to find a reason why my friends all died
- [01:23.15]The magic and machines
- [01:25.07]They stopped and the virus set in
- [01:27.69]Find a good solution, How to fix this up
- [01:30.87]You made these crazy worlds
- [01:32.79]I'm stuck between the two
- [01:34.87]
- [01:35.69]In a village past the mountains of your worlds
- [01:43.41]Someone told her death was coming soon
- [01:48.49]To all of us
- [01:50.51]
- [01:51.17]In the tavern “Armageddon”
- [01:55.05]“The horizon” People were talking of a hunger
- [02:00.87]Many years back
- [02:02.77]I was younger
- [02:05.31]
- [02:06.43]Want to find a reason why we have to cry
- [02:09.59]The buildings falling down and no one's there to save us
- [02:14.19]Gonna find the answer, How to clear this up
- [02:17.29]You made these crazy worlds
- [02:19.23]I'm stuck between the two
- [02:21.29]
- [02:21.89]Want to find a reason why my friends all died
- [02:25.05]The magic and machines
- [02:26.99]They stopped and the virus set in
- [02:29.67]Find a good solution, How to fix this up
- [02:32.79]You made these crazy worlds
- [02:34.73]I'm stuck between the two
- [02:36.73]
- [02:52.83]Want to find a reason why we have to cry
- [02:55.99]The buildings falling down and no one's there to save us
- [03:00.59]Gonna find the answer, How to clear this up
- [03:03.75]You made these crazy worlds
- [03:05.71]I'm stuck between the two
- [03:07.61]
- [03:08.33]Want to find a reason why my friends all died
- [03:11.53]The magic and machines
- [03:13.43]They stopped and the virus set in
- [03:16.09]Find a good solution, How to fix this up
- [03:19.25]You made these crazy worlds
- [03:21.19]I'm stuck between the two
- [03:23.15]
- [03:35.00]
- [03:46.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]BRAVE THE OCEAN
- [00:05.00]作詞:Benjamin Anderson/mpi
- [00:10.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:15.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:20.00]歌:Eliana
- [00:25.00]
- [00:28.01]Can you wait? I'll go and see what I can do
- [00:35.19]I know why I know what she's been going through
- [00:41.27]
- [00:44.03]And when you look up to the skies
- [00:47.61]In most worlds you think of peace Like before
- [00:54.73]
- [00:58.47]To break these chains
- [01:01.61]We must all rise from feelings of hate
- [01:05.61]And it's blood, sweat, tears
- [01:08.73]But no revenge should govern our fate
- [01:12.53]That time I first realized I cared for you so
- [01:16.49]The city below A dance in the dark
- [01:20.09]I must end this now It's perfectly clear
- [01:23.61]Before it begins The war we all fear
- [01:27.29]
- [01:40.97]We can wait I wanna see what I can do
- [01:48.07]It's too late To hope that I make it through
- [01:54.69]
- [01:56.95]And when you see the light below
- [02:00.51]I know exactly where to go Back to her
- [02:08.05]
- [02:11.37]To break these chains
- [02:14.49]We must all rise from feelings of hate
- [02:18.49]And it's blood, sweat, tears
- [02:21.61]But no revenge should govern our fate
- [02:25.41]That time I first realized I cared for you so
- [02:29.39]The city below A dance in the dark
- [02:32.95]I must end this now It's perfectly clear
- [02:36.49]Before it begins The war we all fear
- [02:40.09]
- [03:22.45]To break these chains
- [03:25.61]We must all rise from feelings of hate
- [03:29.63]And it's blood, sweat, tears
- [03:32.73]But no revenge should govern our fate
- [03:36.49]That time I first realized I cared for you so
- [03:40.51]The city below A dance in the dark
- [03:44.07]I must end this now It's perfectly clear
- [03:47.65]Before it begins The war we all fear
- [03:51.25]
- [04:08.00]
- [04:25.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]HERE I AM
- [00:00.00]作詞:cAnON.
- [00:00.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:00.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:00.00]歌:Gemie
- [00:00.00]
- [00:04.33]Yes, it's so ma-ma-magical
- [00:08.07]That can't be lo-lo-logical
- [00:11.81]Isn't it drama-ma-matical?
- [00:15.31]You know it's not tra-ra-ragical
- [00:17.53]
- [00:19.33]Yes, it's so ma-ma-magical
- [00:23.05]That can't be lo-lo-logical
- [00:26.81]Isn't it drama-ma-matical?
- [00:30.31]You know it's not tra-ra-ragical
- [00:32.03]
- [00:32.33]So what if I'm not a wicked little witch
- [00:36.17]Can I do what I like?
- [00:37.59]Oh... maybe that's kind of fun
- [00:39.93]Easy choice to get away
- [00:41.71]Don't think about nothing
- [00:43.69]Or only emptiness remains after all
- [00:47.11]
- [00:47.71]You and I live in so different worlds
- [00:51.17]And I see how I was spoiled by mine
- [00:55.01]My heart was getting lost
- [00:56.77]But I met you guys, right?
- [00:58.87]So, here I am
- [01:00.49]
- [01:01.73]Now I got over the vice
- [01:03.63]All the things I should do is clear
- [01:05.05]Getting close bit by bit
- [01:07.37]Heading against with fears
- [01:08.89]I still don't know what is good, what is bad
- [01:11.59]What's real or what is virtual?
- [01:13.65]Anyway I decide how I'll live
- [01:16.63]So now I got over the vice
- [01:18.63]All the things I wanna do is repainting them plain white
- [01:22.35]Then we'll get the peaceful cheers
- [01:23.81]I still don't know what's true for you
- [01:26.23]And what heroes do or villains do
- [01:28.65]I'ma stick it out
- [01:30.07]Cuz I know that I never give up
- [01:32.33]
- [01:34.33]Yes, it's so ma-ma-magical
- [01:38.07]That can't be lo-lo-logical
- [01:41.81]Isn't it drama-ma-matical?
- [01:45.31]You know it's not tra-ra-ragical
- [01:47.07]
- [01:47.37]So what if my justice's gonna hurt you babe
- [01:51.17]Can't we escape from the conflict?
- [01:53.01]That makes me feel so numb
- [01:54.91]We could dream our time away
- [01:56.67]But doesn't solve nothing
- [01:58.67]負けたくないから I'm moving on
- [02:02.01]
- [02:02.65]You and I have had so different vibes
- [02:06.17]And I see myself small and helpless
- [02:10.11]My heart was getting lost
- [02:11.79]But I met you guys, right?
- [02:13.91]So, here I am
- [02:15.49]
- [02:16.73]Now I got over the vice
- [02:18.61]All the things I should do is clear
- [02:20.01]Getting close bit by bit
- [02:22.39]Heading against with fears
- [02:23.85]I still don't know what is good, what is bad
- [02:26.59]What's real or what is virtual?
- [02:28.65]Anyway I decide how I'll live
- [02:31.63]So now I got over the vice
- [02:33.61]All the things I wanna do is repainting them plain white
- [02:37.35]Then we'll get the peaceful cheers
- [02:38.85]I still don't know what's true for you
- [02:41.25]And what heroes do or villains do
- [02:43.67]I'ma stick it out
- [02:45.09]Cuz I know that I never give up
- [02:47.33]
- [02:50.00]HERE I AM
- [02:53.00]作詞:cAnON.
- [02:56.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [02:59.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [03:01.00]歌:Gemie
- [03:04.00]
- [03:04.33]Yes, it's so ma-ma-magical
- [03:08.07]That can't be lo-lo-logical...
- [03:09.85]
- [03:18.59]Now I got over the vice
- [03:20.47]All the things I should do is clear
- [03:21.93]Getting close bit by bit
- [03:24.25]Heading against with fears
- [03:25.75]I still don't know what is good, what is bad
- [03:28.49]What's real or what is virtual?
- [03:30.55]Anyway I decide how I'll live
- [03:33.53]So now I got over the vice
- [03:35.51]All the things I wanna do is repainting them plain white
- [03:39.23]Then we'll get the peaceful cheers
- [03:40.73]I still don't know what's true for you
- [03:43.13]And what heroes do or villains do
- [03:45.55]I'ma stick it out
- [03:46.97]Cuz I know that I never give up
- [03:49.11]
- [03:54.00]
- [03:59.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]ABYSSwaltz
- [00:04.00]作詞:Rie
- [00:08.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:12.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:16.00]歌:Gemie
- [00:20.00]
- [00:22.77]Tief im Walt stand sie still
- [00:28.41]Kein Mensch war zu sehen
- [00:34.03]Blätter rauschten wie Lärm der Großstadt
- [00:42.01]
- [00:45.25]Tief im Walt stand sie still
- [00:50.91]Kein Mensch war zu sehen
- [00:56.53]Wurzeln schlugen wie große Verdrahtung
- [01:04.55]
- [01:10.55]Blätter verdeckten kleines Licht und warfen Schatten
- [01:22.23]Sie fiel in tiefen Wald
- [01:27.89]Sie fiel in tiefen Schlaf
- [01:32.57]
- [01:33.07]All in Worten
- [01:38.73]Teil kleiner Welt
- [01:43.69]
- [01:44.33]All in Worten
- [01:49.95]Teil kleiner Welt
- [01:55.17]
- [02:29.35]Tief im Walt stand sie still
- [02:34.97]Kein Mensch war zu sehen
- [02:40.61]Blätter rauschten wie Lärm der Großstadt
- [02:48.97]
- [02:51.83]Tief im Walt stand sie still
- [02:57.47]Kein Mensch war zu sehen
- [03:03.09]Wurzeln schlugen wie große Verdrahtung
- [03:10.77]
- [03:17.15]Blätter verdeckten kleines Licht und warfen Schatten
- [03:28.83]Sie fiel in tiefen Wald
- [03:34.47]Sie fiel in tiefen Schlaf
- [03:39.07]
- [03:39.67]All in Worten
- [03:45.29]Teil kleiner Welt
- [03:50.21]
- [03:50.93]All in Worten
- [03:56.55]Teil kleiner Welt
- [04:01.69]
- [04:09.00]
- [04:15.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]oldToday
- [00:02.00]作詞:澤野弘之
- [00:04.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:06.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:08.00]歌:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki
- [00:10.00]
- [00:12.57]見慣れた町を背に 時間と共に離れる
- [00:24.99]本当は怖かった あの日と別れそうで Fum
- [00:37.83]
- [00:49.91]あなたは大きな声で 「頑張れ」と言葉で押す
- [01:02.11]その声は震えていて 泣いてるとすぐに分かった
- [01:13.43]
- [01:14.19]僕の影を通り抜けた風を探し
- [01:19.23]
- [01:24.17]涙溢れるから 背中で歩き出して小さく手を振っていた
- [01:36.47]子供に戻れるなら この気持ち投げたい
- [01:50.25]
- [01:52.07]一つ前は平気だった 今の針に刺されて痛む
- [02:03.55]
- [02:17.11]車窓に映る景色は それまでと違う顔でいる
- [02:29.39]僕の目にはその全てが 愛しくて遠く見える
- [02:40.75]
- [02:41.65]少しずつ僕の町は故郷になる 僕の影を通り抜けた風が新しい
- [02:52.97]
- [02:57.51]痛みが溢れ出して 滲み出す腫れた音 身体中が剥がれてく
- [03:09.95]いつかは消えてるだろう でも放したくない
- [03:24.33]
- [03:25.73]別れの最後の日に 父さんは「またな」と言った
- [03:38.19]そういえばありがとうって 伝えるの忘れていた
- [03:49.17]
- [03:50.25]また涙溢れ出して 抑えたはずの声が 思い出と側を見てる
- [04:02.97]大人の嘘借りても 答えは変わらない
- [04:14.93]
- [04:18.71]誰もが人を背に 歩き出すあたたかいエゴ
- [04:31.01]あなたでも手探った日々 そこに立って手を繋げた
- [04:42.37]
- [04:49.00]
- [04:55.00]
复制代码- [00:00.00]God of ink
- [00:07.00]作詞:Benjamin Anderson/mpi
- [00:14.00]作曲:澤野弘之
- [00:21.00]編曲:澤野弘之
- [00:28.00]歌:mpi
- [00:35.00]
- [00:36.81]Everyday I have to play
- [00:38.97]Building worlds What can I say?
- [00:42.57]These reflections of myself
- [00:47.65]In the gutter Bread and butter
- [00:52.47]
- [00:55.95]You were looking for a reason
- [00:59.31]For the heavy frown
- [01:00.97]I have been wearing around
- [01:03.67]
- [01:04.25]Everyday I like to play
- [01:06.39]I just think In pen and ink
- [01:08.81]Time to write
- [01:10.75]
- [01:13.11]The fallout from the blast
- [01:17.25]It overwhelms you
- [01:19.51]She didn't tell you
- [01:21.67]The ink of God on the page
- [01:28.53]And her rage Coming out!
- [01:31.41]
- [01:31.71]Holding my hands on you
- [01:33.55]And I'm Holding my hands on you
- [01:35.77]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [01:38.11]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [01:39.83]I was so Jealous I thought you knew
- [01:42.69]I was Jealous I thought you knew
- [01:44.97]I was turning my back on You
- [01:47.21]I was turning my back on you My friend
- [01:49.79]
- [01:59.17]Everyday I have to play
- [02:01.25]Building worlds What can I say?
- [02:04.85]What is hiding in your mind?
- [02:09.95]Could I see it? Could I see it?
- [02:14.67]
- [02:17.11]The fallout from the blast
- [02:21.25]It overwhelms you
- [02:23.51]She didn't tell you
- [02:25.67]The ink of God on the page
- [02:32.53]And her rage Coming out!
- [02:35.43]
- [02:35.73]Holding my hands on you
- [02:37.51]And I'm Holding my hands on you
- [02:39.83]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [02:42.11]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [02:43.81]I was so Jealous I thought you knew
- [02:46.67]I was Jealous I thought you knew
- [02:48.97]I was turning my back on You
- [02:51.25]I was turning my back on you My friend
- [02:53.85]
- [03:11.95]The fallout from the blast
- [03:16.11]It overwhelms you
- [03:18.35]She didn't tell you
- [03:20.53]The ink of God on the page
- [03:27.35]And her rage Coming out!
- [03:30.29]
- [03:30.59]Holding my hands on you
- [03:32.35]And I'm Holding my hands on you
- [03:34.67]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [03:36.97]And then Out of my hands you flew
- [03:38.71]I was so Jealous I thought you knew
- [03:41.53]I was Jealous I thought you knew
- [03:43.81]I was turning my back on You
- [03:46.11]I was turning my back on you My friend
- [03:48.69]
- [04:00.00]
- [04:12.00]