TA的每日心情 | 衰 2023-12-5 14:28 |
签到天数: 314 天 [LV.8]以坛为家I
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事情的起因是“黑礁”的S1包含了S1和S2的信息,tmdb的说法是S1和S2是连续编号,算为一季度(It's just a split-cour, what Americans call a mid-season break. There's no "second season". They use continuous numbering too.)也叫大家不能完全以wiki作为参考。
按照官网的说法(https://www.blacklagoon.jp/news/index00110000.html)明确说了他是第一第二季,而且第二季的编号上也有“The Second Barrage”
结果对方的回复就是:Per our rules, as long as the episodes have continuous numbering, they should be listed as one single season.
要是按照这套逻辑,tmdb上进击的巨人就只有s1了,噬血狂袭的s5也应该作为ova单独拿出来,妄想学生会的s0也应该丢该s1 s2中(涉及的工作量巨大)
最后丢给我一个回复:Please, file a report on the corresponding series page. We can't do anything without this.