或者等7950x出来,想看下坛友测试7950x的压制效率,等他降4000以下,现在5950x3300左右了 13900k{:4_684:} openbenchmarking 上有个关于 x265 编码处理器的基准测试,可以参考下 4fps这么高就偷着乐吧 楚轩 发表于 2022-10-18 14:57
大小核,这种生产力的是不是不太行 sommio 发表于 2022-10-18 15:49
openbenchmarking 上有个关于 x265 编码处理器的基准测试,可以参考下
只看到x264的啊,这个是看第一个表格吗? 本帖最后由 sommio 于 2022-10-18 17:59 编辑
天空龙 发表于 2022-10-18 17:41
只看到x264的啊,这个是看第一个表格吗? ...
压制看 pts/x265-1.x.x - H.265 1080p Video Encoding,Video Input: Bosphorus 4K 那个是解码性能
5950x 的编码性能基准测试还没人提交,楼主有兴趣的话可以跑下
关于你关心的编码器多核支持,下面的“Does It Scale Well With Increasing Cores?”有讲
Yes, based on the automated analysis of the collected public benchmark data, this test / test settings does generally scale well with increasing CPU core counts. Data based on publicly available results for this test / test settings, separated by vendor, result divided by the reference CPU clock speed, grouped by matching physical CPU core count, and normalized against the smallest core count tested from each vendor for each CPU having a sufficient number of test samples and statistically significant data.https://i.ibb.co/QnkStVh/2022-10-18-17-57-15.png
sommio 发表于 2022-10-18 17:52
压制看 pts/x265-1.x.x - H.265 1080p Video Encoding,Video Input: Bosphorus 4K 那个是解码性能
5950x ...
第一10900k,数据有点老,x264挺全,能用264参考265吗?高端的 5950x效率已经相当高了吧,7950x又得换主板又得换内存感觉暂时不太值,等晚点跳水吧 还以为是图吧垃圾佬,进来一看5950X,告辞。