本帖最后由 hsmms 于 2021-4-10 16:01 编辑对于使用最新版本的MADVR用户会有一个时间限制也就是说到了时间后就无法使用,这样的做法主要目的是避免那些商业HTPC去使用免费版本的MADVR进行销售,如今测试版本的功能几乎跟MADVR ENVY所使用的版本一模一样,这样会对madvr envy造成一定的影响。解决方法很简单如果有新的测试版本更新到最新就行,如果没有那就是观看的时候调整下系统时间就能解决。
ps:最新的BETA 130版本测试将会于5月31号后过期,如果在这段时间内没有新的测试版本出现。
Hey guys,
to start off, let me make it very clear that we have no plans to shut down the madVR HTPC software. And we have a couple good reasons for that:
1) madVR is my "love child" and passion and I enjoy sharing it with you.
2) I don't want to leave you guys hanging - you are important to me.
3) The HTPC community helped make madVR what it is, and we highly value your feedback.
4) It would be a shame to limit all my work over the years to benefit only those who can afford an Envy. I'd like everyone to be able to (continue to) benefit from my work.
Please understand, though, that the continued development of the madVR HTPC software is only possible as long as doing so doesn't hurt our company in a significant way. Most importantly, we can't have commercial HTPC companies build Envy competitors based on the madVR HTPC software. I think that's obvious, isn't it?
The current time limit was not added to annoy you end users, (obviously), but only to help stop commercial misuse. Atm I don't know if the time limit will stay or go away in the future. One thing that maybe could replace it in the future (no decision has been made, just brainstorming here) could be to move to a registration system, where users need to provide their information to install the software, and to legally state that they agree to the license and that they are not using it in conjunction with a commercial HTPC offering. Do you think that would be better than the time limit?
Regarding a commercial madVR HTPC version, maybe down the road we will consider that, but that's not something we're looking at right now. We have our hands pretty full at the moment as it is. 
Anyway, I'd like to ask you to please have patience with us. We're still a relatively small team, we are working crazy hours, and we haven't figured everything out yet. But hopefully after now 12 years of madVR HTPC development you've come to trust my dedication to keep the software alive and improving. I've seen many open source devs and projects come and go in these 12 years (and before). But I'm still here!
I do often have to prioritize Envy development now, though, in order to try and make a living. Speaking of which, I really need to focus on Envy right this very moment, I'm in the middle of developing a new feature, so please understand that I will not be able to enter a long discussion about the future of the madVR HTPC software atm. I'll keep reading your comments in this thread, but I will probably not reply beyond this post.
Hope this helps giving you some peace of mind?
最新的没有时间限制的版本是哪个呢→_→ 我选择madvr 112b测试版 true 发表于 2021-4-8 17:31
我还在用0.92.9最后一个有nnedi3的版本,不过最近有考虑换个ngu了。 fy939 发表于 2021-4-8 18:52
真的没必要坚持NNEDI3了,NGU AA能实现一样的效果而且资源占用更低。
hsmms 发表于 2021-4-8 19:45
真的没必要坚持NNEDI3了,NGU AA能实现一样的效果而且资源占用更低。
楚轩 发表于 2021-4-8 20:56
楚轩 发表于 2021-4-8 20:56