hac0101 发表于 2018-12-20 18:29:13

本帖最后由 hac0101 于 2018-12-20 19:15 编辑


山岚夜雨 发表于 2018-12-20 18:45:13

没证据就出来扣个这么大帽子emmm {:4_672:}

zerorockmanx123 发表于 2018-12-20 19:02:20


bellgenius 发表于 2018-12-20 20:54:54

qss_vcbs 发表于 2018-12-20 20:37

你觉得大量的 ...


如果是 你就不該把原文中的短短的"经查"二字,作為十足的證據,並以此指控當事人

DJATOM 发表于 2018-12-20 21:05:00

本帖最后由 DJATOM 于 2018-12-20 21:23 编辑

What a (tech)drama in the eve of the New Year! {:4_696:}
I still think Steven009x is being framed by someone. At least there are no evidence that he did scam actions to members of U3 group. Statements said in the U2 announcement is unclear for me (but I can't read Chinese on my own and using Google Translate).

GalaxianExplosi 发表于 2018-12-20 22:08:00


LittlePox 发表于 2018-12-20 22:18:51

DJATOM 发表于 2018-12-20 21:05
What a (tech)drama in the eve of the New Year!
I still think Steven009x is being framed by ...
Welcome to our forum.

So far it is unclear to the public whether he did commit fraud or what is the amount related.
I mean, there appears to be some evidence he did something, and there also appears to be some evidence he was framed for certain charges. No one was able to paint a full picture.

As a ripper who received his help in providing exclusive sources, I feel sorry for him at least. Furthermore, the fact that it was only one afternoon between someone reported him and U2 banned him, concerns me regarding the judging system in U2. At least I wish to see more evidence and he should be allowed for a chance to explain the situation.

SourGrapes 发表于 2018-12-20 22:54:50

U2 放出了关于 U3 问题的 Q&A,截止至发帖时,全文如下(隐去部分无关信息):
1. 为什么不发证据,这是黑幕

复数 U3 组员和前组员共同举报。其中部分人不愿意暴露身份,这是他们的权力。
U2 管理组的公信力受损一点,相比之下没那么重要


2. 调查时间太短,太仓促,不负责任

举报者自行进行证据收集是持续了较长时间(目测数月)的过程。管理组是直接拿到了整理好的证据包。这时候我觉得调查都算是结束了,只剩决策环节。从收到证据包到做出裁定,确实只有 3 小时左右。之后还花了一些时间拟定公告,直到公告发布。

3. 有没有给 steven009X (下称 steven)申诉机会

有。更新站内申诉系统后,U2 目前对于疑似违规会员的操作方式是,一律先 ban,然后等待或主动联系相关会员进行申诉。申诉成功则解封,申诉失败则关闭申诉权限。我们也是在收到证据包后不久,确定 steven 有重大嫌疑,就执行禁用操作。

steven 有我 Telegram 联系方式,且他当时在线,第一时间发现被 ban,所以申诉比往常要快得多(不需要管理组信箱一来一回慢慢写)。我和 steven 进行了申诉对话。steven 和我对话的过程中露出关键破绽。将该信息和几位 u3 组员,以及某 PT 站点的公开用户信息交叉确认后,U2 管理组认为 steven 在申诉中伪造证据,继续申诉流程已无帮助,故而根据已有证据进行了有罪裁定

值得一提的是,在申诉过程中,我们确定 steven 确有对部分(至少 1 个)多收款的 BD 进行退款。然而从证据包中我们也知道至少有 1 个 BD 他是违规的。而违规不看数量,只看是否发生过。

4. 证据掌握到什么程度?


5. 这是谁做出的决定,U2 谁对此事负责?

此事中我负责处理申诉,公告拟定。***(Admin, U2 目前总负责人),***和我一致对最终处理方案无异议。

6. 这是迫害

要迫害的话我在后台给 Steven 加点数据和异常 log,你们一看就觉得他作弊,然后我们再顺应民心砍人不就完了
甚至我可以轻松弄点 log 说他 ddos U2 服务器…… 想想就清楚,“我电脑里没装攻击工具” 这件事是根本不可能自证的。

7. 怎么公告那么快,解释那么慢

昨晚到家就睡 N 双都错过了. jpg

8. 我还有其他疑问

本帖回复问,也可以 PM 我。

DJATOM 发表于 2018-12-20 22:58:01

LittlePox 发表于 2018-12-20 22:18
Welcome to our forum.

So far it is unclear to the public whether he did commit fraud or what is th ...
Indeed, we have a lack of information from U2 admins to make any assumptions, so I only judge from what I saw in the Telegram and Discord.

Yeah, Steven said that he provided an evidence, but it was rejected. I have no proofs either, but rather trust him for the word.
I hope this incident will be resolved soon.

中津静流口ω< 发表于 2018-12-21 00:02:05

本帖最后由 中津静流口ω< 于 2018-12-21 00:13 编辑

DJATOM 发表于 2018-12-20 22:58
Indeed, we have a lack of information from U2 admins to make any assumptions, so I only ju ...
Hi DJATOM, may I ask do you know Yousei is still alive or retired? They havn't released anything for a long time.
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