EL2333 发表于 2023-6-2 10:39:22


本帖最后由 EL2333 于 2023-6-2 10:43 编辑

完整的链接   https://github.com/2004content/rarbg

rarbgBackup of magnets from RARBGCurrently:

moviesrarbg.txt holds my original post, cleaned up a lot. (117,392)

showsother.txt holds my original post, cleaned up a little. (137,671)

showsrarbg.txt holds my original post, cleaned up a lot. (11,699)

everything.7z holds what i've compiled so far from all the sources given me (1,857,452)

I'm nowhere near done adding to everything.7z. Then I'll filter it and sort it and split it into its relevant categories.

Alongside the movies and shows, it also holds porn, music, and games, which will each get new .txt files.Thanks guys.

应该是挺全的 甚至搜到了之前网站还在的时候没搜到的剧 2333

tonyhsie 发表于 2023-6-3 07:06:17

4k remux 的部分

(從 everything.txt 抽取出來的)

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 转一个RARBG旧资源的备份